Active Directory Contact Sync Tool (ADCST)

I ran into a scenario recently where two companies had been sharing the same Office365 Exchange tenant for >2 years, one of the two companies was now big enough to warrant its own Exchange online instance, however the two companies still needed to be able to seamlessly contact one another [Lync(Skype For Business)/Exchange Mail/Share Calendars/etc].

We could  easily share calendar information between 365 accounts, however the problem of “finding” a user in the sister-company became an issue;  How does a user in “company A” find a user in “company B” if they don’t know them before hand? By splitting user out of the original Office 365 tenant they loose visibility to search for people in the Global Address List (GAL) to look-up job titles/user locations/phone-numbers etc (This was desired).

One option was to create contact objects in “Company A’s” active directory for users in “Company B” (and vice-versa) and have these sync to Office 365 via Directory Sync… Good-idea, however this is manual and is not a function of Office 365 “out of the box”.

…It turned out this problem wasn’t tremendously hard to solve with the improvements that Microsoft have recently made to Office 365, specifically around the ability to access and [now] query the Azure Active Directory that comes with Office 365 with the Graph API.

Introducing ADCST – A little tool written in C# to help resolve this problem by facilitating the Sync of address books between Office 365 tenants (GAL Address book syncing / federation)

How it works:

The concept is fairly trivial really – Each company delegates Read-Only access to their Azure active directory to a custom application; this is no different to allowing a Standard Application for something like Jira (from Atlassian) access to your Active Directory in Azure for authentication… The corresponding company cannot retrieve anything other than standard AD attributes nor can they attempt to authenticate as you (Allowing read-only access will generate a certificate that can be exchanged to the other company; and can be revoked at any time).

Once each company has established application access to their AzureAD Instance, the relevant details are exchanged and loaded into the ADCST tool.


Now, when the application is invoked user objects from Company A that were previously synced to Office365/AzureAD via Directory Sync are retrieved as objects by ADCST. They are then added to Company B’s on-premise Active Directory as contact objects and synced to their instance of Office365 to later appear in the GAL. If a user was to leave Company A and their account to be deleted, the corresponding contact object will be removed Company B’s GAL.

  • Objects to be synced are determined by a membership of a group (that is, users in Company A must be in a specified group otherwise they will not be synced and created)
  • Objects will only be created in a Target OU as specified in configuration.
  • Only the following attributes are synced (if they exist):
    • givenName
    • Mail
    • sn
    • displayName
    • title
    • l
    • co & c
    • st
    • streetAddress
    • department

Phew, okay… how to set it up:

How to set it up:

  1. Download a copy ADCST or go and grab the source from GITHUB 🙂
  2. Access your Azure active Directory and complete the following:
    1. Access your Office365 Portal, select AzureAD from the left hand bar of the Admin portal
    2. Once tha Azure Portal loads, Click on Active Directory in the left hand nav.
    3. Click the directory tenant where you wish to register the sample application.
    4. Click the Applications tab.
    5. In the drawer, click Add.
    6. Click “Add an application my organization is developing”.
    7. Enter a friendly name for the application, for example “Contoso ADCST”, select “Web Application and/or Web API“, and click next.
    8. For the Sign-on URL, enter a value (NOTE: this is not used for the console app, so is only needed for this initial configuration): “http://localhost”
    9. For the App ID URI, enter “http://localhost”. Click the checkmark to complete the initial configuration.
    10. While still in the Azure portal, click the Configure tab of your application.
    11. Find the Client ID value and copy it aside, you will need this later when configuring your application.
    12. Under the Keys section, select either a 1-year or 2-year key – the keyValue will be displayed after you save the configuration at the end – it will be displayed, and you should save this to a secure location. NOTE: The key value is only displayed once, and you will not be able to retrieve it later.
    13. Configure Permissions – under the “Permissions to other applications” section, you will configure permissions to access the Graph (Windows Azure Active Directory). For “Windows Azure Active Directory” under the first permission column (Application Permission:1″), select “Read directory data”. Notes: this configures the App to use OAuth Client Credentials, and have Read access permissions for the application.
    14. Select the Save button at the bottom of the screen – upon successful configuration, your Key value should now be displayed – please copy and store this value in a secure location.
    15. You will need to update the ADCST.exe.config of ADCST with the updated values.
      1. AzureADTenantName = Update your tenant name for the authString value (e.g.
      2. AzureADTenantId = Update the tenantId value for the string tenantId, with your tenantId. Note: your tenantId can be discovered by opening the following metadata.xml document: – replace “”, with your tenant’s domain value (any domain that is owned by the tenant will work). The tenantId is a guid, that is part of the sts URL, returned in the first xml node’s sts url (“EntityDescriptor”): e.g. “”
      3. AzureADClientId = This is the ClientID noted down previously
      4. AzureADClientSecret = This is the certificate Value noted down previously
      5. AzureADUserGroup = This group contains all of the user accounts in the Remove Azure AD that you with to pull into your Active Directory on-prem as contact objects.
      6. FQDomainName = FQDN of your on-prem Active Directory Domain
      7. DestinationOUDN = The distinguished name of the Target OU that you with to create the Contact objects in
      8. ContactPrefix = This string will populate the Description field in Active Directory
      9. AllowCreationOfADObjects = Self Explanitory, Allow ADCST to create Contact objects in AD
      10. AllowDeletionOfADObjects = Self Explanitory, Allow ADCST to delete Contact objects in AD when they are no longer required
      11. VerboseLogUserCreation = Log contact creation to Debug Log
      12. VerboseLogUserDeletion = Log contact deletion to Debug log
  3. Create a Service Account to run this as and Delegate it Create/Delete rights on the OU Container on your on-prem Active Directory (see this post for some pretty good instructions – We want to be able to create/delete user accounts [even though these will be contact objects])
  4. Create a Scheduled task to call the ADCST executable on a regular basis as the Service Account that you just created.

I suggest you do some solid-testing prior to rolling this into Production (with read-only acccess you wont be able to do any damage to the Azure AD… The on-prem AD is the one you dont wanna screw-up)

The above implementation certainly wont appeal to everybody, and it could be argued that this is a specific edge-case, but it appears to do the job nicely for what was required. Let me know if you have any thoughts or suggestions.


The fine print: The use of this software is at your own risk – No warrantee is expressed or implied.

EDIT #1 (7/06/15): I’ve gone ahead and refactored a few things on this project. The following has changed:

  • ADCST will now Sync nominated Group’s to  Active Directory as contact Objects (I want to change this to normal Group objects with members expanded from source groups). (Synced Group [Distinguished name] destination defined using the “GroupsDestinationOUDN” App.Config Value + Source Group defined using AzureADGroupsGroup App.Config Value).
  • Users that are synced are now added to a nominated security group – This can be used to lock down groups/resources in Exchange to Internal users as well as contact objects contained in this new security group to prevent spam. (Group [distinguished named] defined using the “PermittedSendersGroupDN” App.Config Value).

Extend AD Schema to allow greater Office 365 Management

If you run Office 365 and use Directory sync to push Active Directory objects to Microsoft Online then you’ll likely know that if you want to make a change to a mailbox, contact or distribution group, then it needs to be done on that object within AD.
This is great, and Directory Sync is a brilliant idea but it seems to have a slight pitfall; It assumes that you’ve previously had Exchange deployed… Dirsync wants to sync Exchange AD Attributes

As an Example; You may have run into an instance where you’ve wanted apply settings such as delivery options or mail tips to a distribution group; Searching through Active directory yields no results for the correct attribute so the the setting has to be changed online/via powershell? Wrong:

 Error: The action ‘Set-DistributionGroup’, ‘RequireSenderAuthenticationEnabled’, can’t be performed on the object ‘RESDEVManagers’ because the object is being synchronized from your on-premises organization. This action should be performed on the object in your on-premises organization.

Now, in order to set this attribute manually I could set the MsExchRequireAuthToSendTo to ‘true’ from the attribute editor in Active Directory Users and Computers (or ADSI)… But I don’t have Exchange, I never had exchange and therefore I don’t have that attribute in my AD schema.

This Microsoft KB article ( explains what AD attributes are referenced and written to/from AD and a quick look in the FIM Metaverse designer confirms this:


Fim Attributes
 So, We need to add these Exchange attributes to our Schema – To do so, we have a couple of options

  • You could manually create the attributes from ADSI edit and set them to the correct Type as per FIM’s Metaverse designer – Messy and could cause issues
  • Run the Exchange 2010 Installation and extend your AD schema to include all MsExch* attributes so you can set them from ADUC/Powershell/Some other management tool

We’ll opt for the 2nd option (its easier and automated) – Let’s get started:

  1. Download the Exchange 2010 Trial media from here. Run the executable and extract the files to a temp location.
  2. Ensure your account is a member of Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins in Active directory. Change Directory to your extracted Installation media  and run the following: Setup /PrepareSchema 
    prepare Schema

    Wait for the tool to complete.
  3. Open up Active Directory Users and Computers and enable View > Advanced features (If you haven’t already). 
    Active Directory Users and computers
  4. Locate an object from the AD tree and click the Attribute Editor Tab and Scroll down to MSExch- ; Your AD Schema has been extended successfully and you now have a bit more control over objects in Office 365. 
    RESDEV Managers

Hopefully everything’s there and the process went smoothly

You can go ahead and edit MsExchServerHintTranslations for Mailtips and MSExchRequireAuthtoSendTo for Distribution group send as permissions (as two examples)


Office 365 Search and Delete mail using Powershell

A neat feature of Exchange is the ability to run up a search across mailboxes within an organization from Powershell using the Search-Mailbox cmdlet and delete inappropriate or harmful messages using the -DeleteContent parameter. Fortunately these features exist in Office 365 if you are an Exchange Online Administrator

While administrators can use the Multi-Mailbox search feature in the Exchange control panel UI to locate mail, you  may discover you are unable to remove messages directly without some PowerShell magic.

The below script requires you add your admin account to the “Discovery Management” role from Roles & Auditing on the Exchange Control Panel (ECP).

#Every mailbox within the Organisation

[string]$decision = "n"

Write-Host "This script requires the `"Discovery Management`" Exchange Role-Group PLUS `"Mailbox Import Export`" Role assigned to your Exchange onlineAdmin Account `nPlease add it before proceeding:"
Write-Host "`n`nEnter Administration Credentials"

$LiveCred = Get-Credential

#Pass Creds to and generate PS Session
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $LiveCred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
#Import PS Session/Grab MSOL Cmdlets
Import-PSSession $Session

$Subject = Read-Host "Please Enter a Message Subject to be deleted from ALL mailboxes:"

$decision = Read-Host "Are you sure youi want to delete messages with the subject " $Subject " (Y/N)?"

if ($decision -eq "y")
	Write-Host "Deleting" $Subject
	Get-Mailbox -ResultSize unlimited | Search-Mailbox -SearchQuery "subject:$Subject" -DeleteContent -Confirm
	Write-Host "Nothing deleted"

Write-Host "Connection to MSOL closed"

Warning: Use the above script with caution; When using the DeleteContent parameter, messages are permanently deleted from the user’s mailbox and cannot be recovered. (It could also take some time to run over a big Office365 Tenant)

See related Office 365 help article here:  here:


Add Proxy Addresses via PowerShell to Office 365 Users

Its safe to say that one of the most useful features of Office 365 from an administrative point of view is Directory-Sync via Forefront Identity Manager (FIM).

When given the task to add a new email alias/address to all users, we can simply add to the existing Proxy Address attribute in Active directory programmatically through PowerShell (and sync it up to the cloud using FIM). The code snippit below will take the take each users first& last names plus the $proxydomain to add “smtp:[email protected]” to their AD user object if they reside in $usersOU.

If the “Coexistence-Configuration” PSSnapin exists on the running system a manual directory sync will be initiated.


[string]$proxydomain = ""; #Proxy domain
[string]$usersOU = "OU=Staff_Accounts,DC=resdevops,DC=com"; #OU to apply changes
[string]$powersnapin = "Coexistence-Configuration"; #Directory Sync PS-Snapin name
[int]$count = 0 ;

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

	Get-ADUser -Filter "*" -SearchScope Subtree -SearchBase "$usersOU" -Properties ProxyAddresses, givenName, Surname | foreach-object { 

	Write-Host "Editing user: $_.SamAccountName"

		if ($_.Proxyaddresses -match $_.givenName+"."+$_.Surname+$proxydomain)
			Write-Host "Result: Proxy Address already exists; No action taken."
 			Set-ADUser -Identity $_.SamAccountName -Add @{Proxyaddresses="smtp:"+$_.givenName+"."+$_.Surname+$proxydomain}
			Write-Host "Result: Added proxy address to Account"
	#Execute Office 365 Directory Sync if possible
	$CheckSnapin = Get-PSSnapin -Registered $powersnapin -EA SilentlyContinue
	if ($CheckSnapin)
			Add-PSSnapin Coexistence-Configuration;
			Write-Host "`n `n ******Added proxy address with DirSync******"
			Write-Host "`n `n ******Added Proxy address; Please initiate a Directory Sync Manually******"
Write-Host "Sucessfully Edited" $count "users"
